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Best Brush for Doodles
Doodle Bliss

Best Brush for Doodles

By Far the Best Doodle Brush If you have a Doodle like some of our Goldendoodles with curly coats, this is a must have to brush out that coat and avoid the clean shave at the groomer. It is even helpful with a wavy coat, trust us, not all slicker brushes are made equal.  Our Second Favorite Doodle Brush Four your F1 Doodles or any with a wavy coat, this one isn’t as as heavy on the pocketbook but does a great job. This one comes with the detangling spray which is also super helpful. It is never fun to have your dog come home from a trim bald due to matting. I Know It’s Not a Brush But… Sometimes a comb is what you need, and this is a great one to have in your pocket. For those trims and touch ups, it does a great job. Can you tell we love Chris Christensen products? We have tried to the others, these are simply the best! Best Brush for Doodles…On A Budget I know sometimes the best isn’t always in the budget. There are plenty of knockoff slicker brushes for doodles that just aren’t worth it and leave you wondering if anything works. If you are on a budget, this is a decent substitute for the others out there. 

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Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush

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